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The academy program is tailored for U8 to U12 age groups and offers a comprehensive approach to player development, emphasizing both skill enhancement and competitive experience. In the U8-U10 category, players engage in dynamic 7v7 matches, fostering teamwork and tactical awareness on the field. Progressing to U11-U12, the format may advance to either 7v7 or 9v9, providing an opportunity for players to adapt to different game structures. With a focus on consistent improvement, the academy schedules two training sessions per week, allowing players to refine their abilities under expert guidance. Weekends, typically hosting 1-2 events per month, are dedicated to match play, offering either two matches in a play date format or participation in tournaments with up to four matches. This setup ensures players receive ample game time to apply their skills in competitive settings, further enhancing their development and passion for the sport.

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Pool Players:

U8 - U10: 7v7

U11 - U12: 7v7 or 9v9


2x training sessions

Weekends (1-2/Month):

2x matches - (play date) or

3-4x matches - (tournaments)

Development Philosophy

Brave on the ball

Generate one-on-one engagements

  • Attack

    • Improve speed, foot agility, proper hip movement, and core strength.
    • Develop balance, dynamic changes of direction, and individual leg strength.
    • Introduce body position and spacing when attacking 1v1.
    • Develop a set of moves and skills to use with the ball and close control.
    • Increase speed of moving the ball and ability to change pace.
    • Build confidence on the ball.
    • Introduce fun competition to encourage risk taking.
    • Understand position on field to aid in decision making about when to engage an opponent 1v1.

    Outcome: Player can confidently engage and succeed in 1v1 situations.

  • Transition

    • Improves coordination, ability to change speed, change directions, and accelerate/decelerate.
    • Increases lateral speed and straight-ahead speed.
    • Develop ability rapidly recover ball when there is a loss of possession.
    • Develop the reaction to accelerate with ball when possession is won.
    • Introduce types of communication (body language and words) when a transition occurs.
    • Gain ability to think defense when on attack and to attack when on defense.
    • Increases work rate when in transition transitions.
    • Identifies the transition and impact based on location on the field.
    • Identifies if role demands player to take space, step to mark, or step to ball.

    Outcome: Player recognizes and correctly reacts to a change in possession.

  • Defend

    • Develop fast feet, rapid hip rotations, low center of gravity, and core strength.
    • Introduce body position and spacing when defending 1v1.
    • Develop ability to read and anticipate an opponent’s next movement.
    • Introduce timing for when to take the ball.
    • Develop fortitude to win the ball from an opponent.
    • Encourage persistence in recovering from mistakes.
    • Develop ability to identify how and when to confront an opponent 1v1 based on field position.

    Outcome: Player can confidently engage and succeed in defending 1v1 situations.

Control the tempo

Dictate the terms of play

  • Attack

    • Improve speed, foot agility, core & leg strength, ability to change direction, and accelerate/decelerate.
    • Build habit of “on your toes/bounce” stance to be in a ready position.
    • Develop endurance for sustained running.
    • Develop consistent ability to make and receive a 5-10-yard pass.
    • Introduce mechanics to receive a ball and turn away from pressure to retain possession.
    • Develop ability to penetrate available space with ball by dribbling or passing.
    • Introduce second and third player runs into space (off the ball movement).
    • Introduce composure on the ball (confidence and patience).
    • Build determination to get involved in the attack.
    • Develop ability to identify the open space and open player.

    Outcome: Player who consistently retains possession with composure.

  • Transition

    • Improves coordination, ability to change speed, change directions, and accelerate/decelerate.
    • Increases lateral speed and straight-ahead speed.
    • Develop understanding of where to move to and position yourself in transition.
    • Introduce proper first touch when team has gained possession.
    • Introduce proper reaction to disrupt opponent when team has lost possession.
    • Introduce battling for 50/50 balls.
    • Instill a sense of calm and composure during transitions.
    • Introduce ability to recognize and exploit channels in transition.

    Outcome: Player effectively recognizes and properly reacts to transitions.

  • Defend

    • Develop fast feet, rapid hip rotations, low center of gravity, and core strength.
    • Improve agility and coordination for rapid changes in direction.
    • Develop the skills to intercept a pass, block a shot, delay an opponent, and force opponent decision.
    • Develop ability to prevent opponent receiving the ball and turning.
    • Introduce proper body position and spacing for players defending off the ball (position and role of the second defender).
    • Build a sense of trust between teammates for collective defense.
    • Instill patience when not in possession.
    • Encourage players to take the initiative on proper defensive posture and role.
    • Introduce positional roles and defensive shape.

    Outcome: Player can effectively discern and time their actions to affect the opponent’s attack.

Go Together

Always seek to generate an advantage

  • Attack

    • Improve speed, agility, coordination, strength, ability to accelerate/decelerate.
    • Develop endurance for sustained running and at longer distances.
    • Develop proper passing technique (i.e., weight of pass, proper surface of foot, correct angle, correct foot of teammate, etc.).
    • Introduce triangle and diamond passing patterns.
    • Introduce running patterns (i.e., overlaps/underlap runs, up-back-and-thru, 1-2s, etc.).
    • Introduce proper communication and body language for receiving a ball.
    • Introduce ability to identify the open player in 2v1, 3v2, 5v2 scenarios.
    • Introduce set pieces and restarts (i.e., corners, goal kicks, throw-ins, fouls, kickoffs).
    • Build individual confidence that their effort will make a difference.
    • Build trust among teammates and understanding that the team is better together.
    • Develop ability to find and pass to an open teammate, when under pressure.
    • Develop ability to join the attack to create overloads.

    Outcome: Player equipped to make effective passes and runs to create superiority for the attack.

  • Transition

    • Improves coordination, balance, agility, and ability to change speed and directions.
    • Increase stamina, lateral speed, and straight-ahead speed.
    • Introduce the skills to win the ball back when lost, execute recovery runs, and getting goal side on transition to defend.
    • Introduce the skills for appropriate first touch, turning/playing away from pressure, generating width, runs into space on transition to attack.
    • Introduce proper reaction to and skills to win 50/50 balls in air or on the ground.
    • Develop composure amidst transitions.
    • Build determination to not give up and get frustrated when ball is lost.
    • Instill confidence and intensity to accelerate the attack when ball is won.
    • Develop ability to recognize which role to assume during transition (i.e., pressure, cover, balance or attacking runner, supporting pass, pivot, etc.).

    Outcome: Player responds to transitions with composure and begins to use individual skills in relation to their teammates to regain or maintain possession in transition.

  • Defend

    • Develop fast feet, rapid hip rotations, low center of gravity, and core strength.
    • Improve agility and coordination for rapid changes in direction.
    • Improve on ability to close on an opponent with proper defensive stance, spacing, and jockeying.
    • Introduce proper execution of double teaming.
    • Introduce shifts in defense positions when opponent swings the ball.
    • Introduce cues for pressing as a team and how to cut off passing lanes.
    • Introduce defending set pieces and restarts (i.e., corners, goal kicks, throw-ins, fouls, kickoffs).
    • Build a desire to take responsibility for defending as a team.
    • Develop ability to remain focused on the task at hand and not be distracted when not personally in possession.
    • Improve the ability to effectively step with pressure, cover, balance as a team.

    Outcome: Player recognizes the importance of their role to gain superiority on defense.

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